

Kushan Empire: Huvishka. Circa AD 151-190. AV Dinar (7.96 g). Mint: Baktria (balkh).

£3 350
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Kushan Empire: Huvishka. Circa AD 151-190. AV gold Dinar (7.96 g). Mint: Baktria (balkh). Early phase. Obv: diademed and crowned half-length bust of King Huvishka to left on clouds or mountain, holding mace-scepter and goad / Rev: “MIPO” to right, Miro (Mithra), radiate and diedemed Standing facing, head left, extending hand in benediction and holding hilt of sword, tamgha to left. Very rare, little die rust on obv. probably unlisted die combination, brilliant details on the portrait of Huvishka & Mithra. Well centered Bold EF. Among the finest & most detailed examples.

*Huvishka was one of the greatest emperors of the Kushan Empire, from the death of his father Kanishka until the succession of Vasudeva I, about thirty years. His rule was a period of consolidation for the Empire. Huvishka's territory encompassed from Balkh in Bactria to Mathura in India. His reign is also known as the golden age of Kushan rule. There is also some evidence that Huvishka was a follower of Mahāyāna Buddhism. A Sanskrit manuscript fragment in the Schøyen Collection describes Huvishka as one who has "set forth in the Mahāyāna" Some reliefs from Gandhara are also thought to portray Huvishka making donations to the Buddha.
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Kushan Empire: Huvishka. Circa AD 151-190. AV Dinar (7.96 g). Mint: Baktria (balkh).

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